Monday 19 May 2014

Task 6: Researching Artists

Researching Artists
We were tasked with researching into a artist that really inspires me. Now for me that was difficult as I have loads of artists that inspire me, but one stood out for me, this artist was Vince Low. I chose him because I love his style of work, but also I been following his work, and different interview and blog posts of Vince, so I found this task would help me to understand and get closer per say to a artist who I really like. I will be looking into different mediums, Reviews, Interviews, Videos, Essays, Book by Vince low or including Vince low.

Vince Low/ Illustrator

Vince low is a artist from Malaysia. He is actually dyslexic, and he uses pen and paper to create amazing pieces. I have been following Vince Low for a long time. I just find how he creates, and the artwork he creates is so amazing and his penmen ship is outstanding. I find Vince low's work to be amazing and so creative, but I believe he is not given the recondition he needs, nay deserves. After doing a quick internet search, I have found alot of really useful resources, like videos of his doing his work, interviews, tutorials and guides on how to draw like Vince Low, also his Facebook page, were he uploads new work and interacts with his fans. So finding information and resources will be a easier task. Before I show all the resources I could find on Vince low. 

I found a video on you tube of Vince low actually working on a piece of work he has done, the Elvis Presley piece. As seen below he uses a reference image and then draws his work from that. Looking at how he does it is really interesting. Seeing how he works, and the process behind it. From the video, it looks like he starts off by using small little lines to get the basic shape, then once he has done that, he then works on the style, so using the wavy lines, then when he gets to areas that need shading or require a darker tone, he will make the lines more compact and less spaced out. I think this is a really good source of information, like a speed edit, because it gives you the whole process of what he goes though to create these amazing piece of work. The Link to the video to below.

Next I found a interview with Vince Low with the designer wall. They talk to Vince and ask him a series of questions about his work, his life, why he does what he does and how he got his skill. He speaks about how he got into the field of illustration. Quote from Vince : 

Vince: I always wanted to be an illustrator after I graduated with a diploma in Illustration from The One Academy. But I couldn't get one until five years ago when my current company, Grey Kuala Lumpur, wanted to set up an Illustration Department. In the beginning, our department was only doing key visual and story board. I find it boring and I started to draw many other interesting illustrations and stick them on my wall until one day, one of the many art directors saw my work and collaborated with me to do a campaign and it won some awards in some international advertising award shows. Since then, my work keeps getting more interesting as I explore more in other illustrations for advertising.

He then goes on to talk about how a illustrator worst enemy is himself. If he is doing work he does not enjoy, or find challenging he wont put the effort in and he wont be proud of the work he creates. I think a Interview is such a good resource of getting information, because it comes straight from the artist himself, and it can be, like in this case really good advice. I will use interviews alot more when finding out information about artists, because the information you can get from a well done interview is amazing, and you can really learn alot the artist and the background. 

Blog Posts
There is a really interesting piece of information which I did not know about Vince low that I found when looking for a blog post or a article written by Vince. Now this blog post is not written by Vince by it does contain some very useful information. One of Vince lows projects is "Faces". He began this as head illustrator at Grey which is a advertising agency. Now "Faces" was a campaign to get Dyslexia more known by drawing faces of famous people who also have dyslexia. For the dyslexia campaign, Vince Low used the chaos of scribbled pen lines to produce the famous faces. He included people like Morgan Freeman and Albert Einstein even though there is no evidence that proves Albert Einstein had dyslexia. 

Now I got all that information from 3 paragraphs on a blog post with 30. This information is very good as well, As I have already wanted to know why he did a collection of famous faces. It was to raise awareness for dyslexia. That is why I believe that Blogs and website are really good way of researching into different history on a certain artist. 

Next I look at a review of his project " faces". They talk about who Vince low is as a illustrator, but also about how his work has become to be so popular. The whole interview is below: 

Vince Low is predominantly known for his ability to create both realistic and cartoonish designs  featuring celebrities, icons, animals, font … his artistic abilities are endless. His latest collection of art work, ‘Faces’, features the portraits of famous celebrities, but with a twist.Instead of using one pencil skill, the generically used one, to form a textural and realistic canvas, the artist uses a technique he calls ‘scribbling’ to form these portraits. Okay, so when you hear the word scribbling you might associate it with the childlike creations of an infant attempting to colour within the lines, but you would be greatly mistaken to underestimate the artistic technique that Vince Low has decided to endorse.He uses the pencil rashly, not tracing the original photography continuously with his eyes, but closing them and producing something so pure and accurate that we could almost mistake the imagery for photography itself….if it weren't for the scribbles. The collection features the faces of well known celebrities, including- Leonardo Dicaprio, Eddie Murphy, Morgan Freeman, Johnny Depp and Rowan Atkinson.The Malaysian illustrator and character designer has complimented previous works with his latest collection, ‘Faces’ demonstrates the reigning ability throughout his art but his consistent progression.

After ready that review, It doesn't just help me see how his work is seen from a professionals point of view, but also as well how he is seen in the public view, and if how I like his work is how someone likes his work. I found this way to be good, but not the most effective way of gathering information. As it is more of a personal view on the artist, not a overall view, a non biased view. 

Reference list

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