Monday 19 May 2014

Task 5: Analysing games

Game analyse
For task 5 for were tasked with analysing a video game screenshot or still. I chose to do prince of Persia. There are many reasons why I chose to do this game, Because I have played though it and found it be visually stunning, With the lighting and using the plot to affect the landscape was a really good touch by the creators of the games and movies. Below is my analyse of the game.

Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia is a video game franchise created by Jordan mechner. Currently published by Ubisoft. It was first released in 1989. This screenshot is from the game from the 2008 video game version. This picture is actually a piece of concept art from the game. That shows the main city of the game.


The composition in this imaged is used very well, it is used to automatic draw the viewers attention to a certain spot, then makes them slowly see more and more detail of the image.

Focal Point
The focal point of the image is very easy to spot. It is the main tower in the centre of the image. From there the shape of the building with it twisting down make you look into the city below, but at the left side first due to the fact there is more there to look at in comparison to the right.

Geometrical Shapes
With the main tower in the centre, it curves down, but it still keeps it cylinder sort of shape as it go's down into a stronger wider base. then the rest of the buildings and tower are all the same. The rectangle shape buildings with the dome or spike on the top to enforce the message to the viewer about the era of the game.

Symmetry/ Asymmetry
The city as a whole does not have any symmetrical things at all, the tower is the main focal point and then nothing else comes close to the size of it, ruling that out, and the city below I cant see any symmetry between the sides. But you can expect this from a city from this era, the architecture was alot more eccentric and bold, and each building had to be designed in a different way.

Methods used to lead the eye
At first glance at this image, it is very clear to the viewer to what stands out, but if you look more closely, and actually follow the image, you can see the artist who did this wanted you eyes to follow a pathway so you can experience the image at its full potential. You start at the tower in the centre, then you follow the tower down, to the left where the light shines on the tower, from here your eyes are are drawn left to the city below. Then across to the right side of the image. I think the artist wanted this so you wouldn't miss out any of his work.

Space/ Depth
To create a sense of naturalism, to give an illusion of great distance, to limit picture space. This image has alot of depth, With the huge tower in the centre, it opens alot of the background. But at the same time, because the artist has used fog or mist the background cant be seen. But it gives the viewer the impression that there is a background. 

Main Colours used
Different shades of brown, black to show shadow and to give the image depth, Yellow and orange to show light and the suns raze, Greys to show clouds and fog, and silver to again show the clouds and mist and fog.

Range of the palette
The Palette range is not huge, mainly with just dark colours to contrast with the light, really musky and natural colours in this image, The only colours that are bright are the sky in the background and the light hitting the tower.

Effect the colour creates
The artist uses colour in this image to set the scene of a run down city run by fear by the power of who ever lives in that tower, standing above the whole of the city. With the light hitting this massive structure and nothing behind it, the artist shows the power of the image, just with the light he uses. 

Realism/Expressive/Over the top/ Fantasy
The image captured in this scene looks realistic, but also fantasy. I say this because the image you could picture being in some fantasy setting, but because of the quality of the picture, and the concept art, it has that realistic feel to it. I also said over the top. I think this because again, having a tower that big, is very unrealistic, just the proportions compared to the rest of the city. 

other architecture from around that time period, looking at other games like "Assassins Creed" were the time period is the same. Also looking at Historical Influences, plus the books. I can feel this setting would be set in the mid east somewhere, like Egypt or some place like that. 

Subject, Theme & Meanings
From looking at this image, I can gather alot of meaning which is what the artist wanted. The artist wanted the viewer to see the power, and democracy of this image, by creating a huge overpowering tower in the centre of the image. I can imagine this city being cramped, very busy with tight corners, variety's of building sizes and merchants selling good in the street. But I can also picture a violent police or military, that uses abuse to keep the city in line.

Describe the Content/ Story behind it
After looking at this image in more detail, and going into different meanings it could be, I believe from just looking at this image, you can see that the tower in the middle, it overruns the whole city, and who ever lives in it runs the city. I can see this city being run by fear, and the rich stay rich and the poor get poorer. Which a striving market and trading.

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